Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Food, glorious food!

     No this isn't a blog post about my dinner...although i am one of those weirdos that takes photos of their food. *Shrugs*

     This is all about my food/sweetie "candy" inspired jewellery pieces. Something which i remember looking through DA years ago going "I'm never going to make things like that, they're too complicated and mines'll look crap", but here we are, it's pretty much what i've spent the last few months doing, and now i'm completely addicted.

Here's some of the first few pieces of jewellery i ever made, besides a few beaded pieces as a kid.
My first ever piece of clay jewellery was a very crudely made cupcake bracelet in 2008 followed by some Paracetamol, Polo and Loveheart pieces using a pushmold i made. Closely followed by various other charms.

Evolution of the Gummy Bear
 As with everything these took a lot of trial and error before i was finally happy with them

Oldest (Left) to Newest (Right)

 2010 - 2013

Not much has changed really, still been pottering about trying out new ideas and techniques, one day i'll have practiced enough to be half as good as some of the people out there...maybe.

Determined to eventually make some doll house miniatures..but first i need to spend a few days writing down and cataloging all my ideas to try make some space in my little overloaded brain. 

2014 work...Coming soon

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